The kind of side effects mesothelioma patients pass through and the severity of the effects, relies on the kind of chemotherapy mesothelioma patients are undergoing, the pharmacology of the drugs, dosage administered and how their body reacts to this type of treatment of mesothelioma.
Types of pain Before chemotherapy treatment begins and starts, mesothelioma patients will be told to sign an agreeement form. Before signing the form, make sure your doctor gives you adequate and all informations of all the facts as regarding the chemotherapy treatment he/she will be administering, also to include necessary and adequate information about the chemotherapy drug or combination of chemotherapy drugs to be administered, the side effects, and risks involved in using each chemotherapy drugs, the amount of chemotherapy treatment of mesothelioma you will undergo and how frequent, and whether you will under a hospital stay, or admission or as an outpatient basis.
Nausea is often times a side effect of mesothelioma treatments.
Mild and temporary side effects such as nausea and vomiting, anorexia, loss of hair, and mouth sores. If some blood producing cells are damaged, there could be low blood cell count.
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